I got to know these two kids really well last year when they were in my class. These two kids had a really hard time reading when they came to me last year, but, we worked and worked all year long to get them on grade level by the end of the year. They made so much improvement in just one school year, I was amazed! Both of their Mom's were extremely helpful and supportive and became some of my best friends. They would take what their kids learned at school and do the same things at home.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Special Place in My Heart
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Homemade Bread...YUMMY!
This week I have off of school because it is Spring Break. This is the first Spring Break I haven't gone to Vegas to get my hair done. So on Monday I made of list of all of the little things I wanted to accomplish this week. I knew that if I did that I would force myself to get up and do things instead of sleep all the time. For those of you that know me I love to sleep and usually I sleep every break away and don't get anything done.
Some of the things on my list included organzing different parts of the house that drive me crazy, trying out some new recipes, running errands, and making homemade bread.
Let me give you a bit of background on the last one. Tommy's mom makes the BEST homemade bread I have ever tasted. Little by little I have been getting everything that I needed to make the bread. A couple of months ago Tommy's parents bought us all of the ingredients in bulk to make bread. I have wanted to try this for awhile now but have never made the time to do it. I have watched Tommy's mom make the bread and I am not going to lie I was very intimidated. (By the way did I mention that you have to grind your own wheat). I decided that this week was the week I was going to try to make it.
The only thing I didn't have was a rolling pin so I went and got a rolling pin and then started the process. After a few phone calls to Tommy's mom for some last minute help and reassurance I did it.
I don't know why I thought that it was going to be so hard. It wasn't hard at all and it tasted so good. We had BLT's last night just to test it out. We had Tommy's sister and our neighbors over and everyone said it was delicious!
Thanks Mom for the help and making me get over my fear of making homemade bread. I think I am going to try to make it at least a couple of times a month from now on.
Here is a picture of my masterpiece. Obviously I need to work on the presentation a little bit, but come on this this my first loaf!